Emirates Home Nursing (EHN) broadens its service scope to nurseries, dedicated to elevating child well-being

December 2023: With a substantial increase in the number of nurseries being established throughout the UAE, Emirates Home Nursing (EHN) stands committed to ensuring that children receive exceptional care and support in these kindergartens, aligning with the standards set forth for their health and well-being.

Emirates Home Nursing (EHN)  is dedicated to establishing a healthcare environment where trust, safety, quality, and care take precedence, with a specific focus on the unique needs of each child. This approach ensures that children not only receive medical care but also flourish in an environment that promotes their growth and development.

Emirates Home Nursing (EHN) goes beyond conventional healthcare services by making substantial investments in healthcare education. This commitment is exemplified through the recent introduction of Speech Therapy services and Learning Support Assistant (LSA) services.

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EHN’s Speech Therapy services are tailored to address speech and language development challenges in children. This initiative supports early intervention and specialized care, ensuring children have access to vital therapies that foster effective communication and language skills. Additionally, EHN’s Learning Support Assistant (LSA) services are designed to provide supplementary support for children with unique learning needs. LSAs collaborate closely with children in nurseries to help them thrive in their educational environment, adapting teaching methods and providing personalized assistance as required.

Alka Uttamchandani, General Manager of Emirates Home Nursing (EHN), stated, “EHN’s nursery services prioritize the well-being of children in every aspect. Our nursing staff, known for their competence and compassion, deliver the highest standard of care. Collaborating with EHN ensures that children receive the best on-site care possible, enhancing safety and convenience for parents, caregivers, and children. These initiatives will benefit children in nurseries and contribute to the broader healthcare ecosystem.”

This commitment extends to actively supporting Dubai’s journey to become a leader in healthcare governance, integration, and regulation by introducing new nurseries that adhere to the highest healthcare standards.