شركة الإمارات للتمريض المنزلي توسّع نطاق خدماتها لتشمل حضانات الأطفال

December 2023: With a substantial increase in the number of nurseries being established throughout the UAE, Emirates Home Nursing (EHN) stands committed to ensuring that children receive exceptional care and support in these kindergartens, aligning with the standards set forth for their health and well-being. Emirates Home Nursing (EHN)  isContinue Reading

Scope Investment and Asan Medical Center solidify their Partnership to Establish UAE’s First Comprehensive Gastrointestinal Hospital

Dubai, UAE – June 22, 2023 – Scope Investment and Asan Medical Center, a renowned healthcare institution based in South Korea are furthering their partnership and have revealed notable progress in the development of Dubai’s first comprehensive Gastroenterology Hospital. This collaborative effort signifies a momentous achievement in establishing the UAE’sContinue Reading