How to Make Your Home Look Big with the Right Furniture

By Nataliya Yordanova, Operations & Design Manager, Nasma Luxury Stays

Dubai, UAE, 29 August 2023: In today’s urban living, space is often a precious commodity. As we seek to create comfortable and stylish living spaces, it’s essential to make the most of the available room. One effective way to achieve this is by choosing the right furniture. As an interior design specialist at Nasma Luxury Stays, I’ve had the privilege of transforming numerous spaces into inviting and spacious abodes. Here are some valuable tips on how to make your home look big with the right furniture:

التأثيث المُناسب يجعل من المنازل تبدو أكبر مساحة

1. Embrace Multifunctional Pieces:

In small spaces, every piece of furniture must serve a purpose. Opt for multifunctional furniture, such as a sofa bed or a dining table with storage space. These pieces not only save valuable floor area but also add versatility to your home. Multifunctional furniture allows you to have everything you need without compromising on style or convenience.

2. Prioritize Light and Airy Designs:

Choose furniture with light and airy designs that don’t visually overpower the room. Furniture with slender legs or open frames creates a sense of spaciousness, as it allows light to pass through, making the room feel less cluttered. Avoid bulky or oversized furniture that can make a space feel cramped.

3. Utilize Vertical Space:

Make the most of your vertical space by incorporating tall furniture pieces like floor-to-ceiling bookshelves or cabinets. Vertical storage not only maximizes your storage capacity but also draws the eye upward, giving the illusion of higher ceilings and more space.

4. Opt for Neutral Colors:

Neutral colors for your furniture help create an open and expansive feel. Lighter shades like whites, creams, and pastels reflect more light and make the room appear more spacious. You can add pops of color with accessories like pillows and throws to add personality without overwhelming the space.

5. Invest in Mirrors:

Mirrors are an interior designer’s secret weapon for making small spaces look bigger. Placing mirrors strategically can create the illusion of depth and visually expand the room. Consider placing a large mirror opposite a window to reflect natural light, making the space feel brighter and more open.

6. Minimize Clutter:

Clutter can make any space feel cramped and disorderly. Opt for furniture with built-in storage solutions to keep belongings out of sight. Keep your surfaces tidy and free of unnecessary items. A clutter-free space instantly feels more open and inviting.

7. Consider Clear and Transparent Furniture:

Clear or transparent furniture, like acrylic chairs or glass coffee tables, can be an excellent addition to small spaces. These pieces create the illusion of invisibility, allowing the eye to pass through them, which makes the room feel more open and spacious.

8. Create a Focal Point:

A well-designed focal point can draw attention away from the size of the room. Consider investing in a statement piece of furniture, like a unique accent chair or an artistic coffee table. A striking focal point adds character to the space and shifts the focus away from its size.

By following these practical tips, you can transform your home into a spacious and inviting haven, no matter how small the square footage may be. At Nasma Luxury Stays, we believe that thoughtful furniture choices and creative design can make a significant difference in enhancing the comfort and style of any living space.