المكتب الوطني النمساوي السياحي يستضيف ورشة عمل حصرية لتحضير القهوة وتسليط الضوء على ثقافة المقاهي في النمسا

Austrian National Tourist Office Hosts Exclusive Barista Workshop Showcasing Viennese Coffee Culture Dubai, 13 February, 2024: The Austrian National Tourist Office (ANTO) successfully hosted an exclusive barista workshop at Dubai Hills Mall on February 13, featuring world-champion Austrian barista Franz Grünwald. The event was part of ANTO’s initiative to highlightContinue Reading

طالبات الإمارات يتذوقون تجربة العلوم الصيدلانية في كلية الصيدلة بدبي من خلال سلسلة من الندوات وورش العمل

Greater public awareness on health issues, common diseases and change in lifestyle habits could help reduce the overall global healthcare spend that last year reached US$10.06 trillion and growing at a rate of 30 percent worldwide. This is about a tenth of the global gross domestic product (GDP) that lastContinue Reading

House of Pops Delivers the True Taste of Dubai

Sustainable, healthy, plant-based treat bars come to the region’s biggest food festival Dubai, United Arab Emirates Dessert lovers heading to Taste of Dubai 2023 will be spoilt for choice with THREE House of Pops outlets at the region’s biggest foodie festival. Head close to the VIP or kid’s area and you’ll spotContinue Reading