المعاشات: التأمين الاجتماعي إحدى دعائم النظام الاقتصادي لدولة الإمارات

The ‘Know Your Law’ campaign offers more information on the topic Abu Dhabi, 1st February 2024:   Pension and social security plays an integral part in creating a sustainable society and economy in the UAE, since insurance funds contribute to providing a fixed monthly income and improving financial returns for insuredContinue Reading

Exploring the Social 4.0 Era: ZEGOCLOUD’s Whitepaper on Interactive Innovations

SINGAPORE- ZEGOCLOUD, a leading global cloud communication service provider, released its “Interactive Innovations: Social Entertainment in the Digital Age” whitepaper. This comprehensive report dives into the dynamics of the online social entertainment industry, unveiling new avenues for profitability in the emergent Social 4.0 era. The white paper begins with thoroughlyContinue Reading

Jaco, Saudi Arabia’s First Social Network: One Million Users in 2 Months, Aiming for 5 Million at End of the Year

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – In his first appearance on the business stage of Saudi Arabia’s first social network, “Jaco”, Saudi entrepreneur Fahd Al-Shidi, the supervisor of the project, announced a special challenge the team is undertaking to reach five million users soon. He added that Jaco’s attraction of more thanContinue Reading

JAGGAER ESG Report Highlights its Role as an Enabler of Environmental, Social and Governance Best Practices

        Inaugural report outlines progress to date and sets out action plan Dubai, United Arab Emirates JAGGAER, the global leader in Autonomous Commerce, today released its inaugural Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) Report. It sets out how JAGGAER source-to-pay technology is playing an increasingly important roleContinue Reading