<strong>The 3rd edition of the “Cybersecurity Innovation Series” concluded its sessions in Dubai Endorsed</strong>

by the UAE’s Cyber Security Council 09—2022-09– Dubai, The 3rd edition of the “Cybersecurity Innovation Series” endorsed by the UAE’s Cyber Security Council concluded its sessions in Dubai yesterday. The series focused on discussing the most prominent challenges, best practices and effective strategies for enhancing the cybersecurity for organisations andContinue Reading

Cybersecurity Innovation Series (CSIS) pledges it’s support to UAE’s initiative of creating a secure cyber environment.

Market Solutions Events Management and Cybersecurity Innovation Series (CSIS) pledges it’s support to UAE’s initiative on creating a safe and secure cyber environment. We will be hosting an initiative called the Cybersecurity Innovation Series (CSIS) – UAE Chapter Endorsed by the UAE Cyber Security Council which will take place onContinue Reading

الإمارات تحتل المركز الأول في بطولة “فالورانت”

40 students representing more than 30 universities from UAE, KSA, Egypt and Morocco have experienced the first Amazon UNIVERSITY Esports international tournament, and competed for a share of $10,000 prize pool in Abu Dhabi (UAE) In VALORANT, UAE’s team ‘Zoomers’ got victory over Moroccan’s ‘Team 2G’, becoming the first universityContinue Reading