مورو تمنح اللجنة العليا للتشريعات الشهادة الخضراء تقديراً لالتزامها بالاستدامة

The Supreme Legislation Committee’s decision to host their IT workloads on Moro Hub’s Green Cloud demonstrates the collaboration towards achieving a more sustainable and resilient digital ecosystem Dubai, UAE,  27 March 2024: Moro Hub, a subsidiary of Digital DEWA, the digital arm of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (PJSC), presentedContinue Reading

الامارات توفر منظومة مُتكاملة من الدعم والرعاية لضمان رفاهية كبار السن في الدولة

Premium Care for Elderly Empowers Families to Cherish and Support their Senior Parents Dubai, UAE, 26 October 2023: Emirates Home Nursing (EHN), a distinguished home healthcare provider in the UAE, commemorates the International Day of Older Persons, celebrated worldwide on the 1st of October. This day serves as a poignantContinue Reading