Announcing the Merger of Khawarizmi International College and Liwa College of Technology in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Under the Umbrella of “NEMA Education”

In line with the National Strategy for Higher Education 2030   Dubai, United Arab Emirates As part of its efforts to support the National Strategy for Higher Education 2030, which aims to equip students with technical and practical skills to drive the economy and train generations of specialists and professionalsContinue Reading

مبادرة “نعمة” توقع اتفاقية تعاون مع “هيروجو”  لزيادة الوعي حول أهمية الاستهلاك الغذائي المستدام

 Under the National Effort to Reduce Food Loss and Waste Khuloud Hassan Al Nuwais: “Through scaling up home-grown ideas, innovations and technologies, ne’ma has a goal to enable systematic changes and drive behavioural change to raise awareness about sustainable food consumption and food waste reduction.” Daniel Solomon: “Here at “HeroGo”,Continue Reading