مؤسسة حمدان بن راشد آل مكتوم للعلوم الطبية والتربوية تنظّم اللقاء التعريفي لطلبة الدفعة الخامسة من برنامج ماجستير “التربية الابتكارية

Hamdan Foundation announces the launch of the fifth batch of the Master of Innovative Education Program Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 27 August 2023: Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation for Medical and Educational Sciences held an introductory meeting with the fifth batch of the Master of Innovative Education program, whichContinue Reading

The Sharjah Award for Public Finance holds an introductory symposium on its categories and criteria in the Arab Republic of Egypt

Sharjah, United Arab Emirates: Sharjah Finance Department (SFD) concluded an introductory seminar in the Arab Republic of Egypt on the second cycle of the Sharjah Award for Public Finance.  The seminar was part of a series of second-phase meetings scheduled to conclude at the end of January 2023. Distinguished representativesContinue Reading