وندرفل بيستاشوز تتعاون مع مجموعة الدوري ومقرها الإمارات لتعزيز قدراتها في معالجة الفستق لمنطقة الشرق الأوسط

Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 19 February 2024: Wonderful Pistachios, the world’s largest grower and processor of California pistachios, has appointed UAE-headquartered Al Douri Group as its official processing partner for Wonderful Pistachios in the Middle East. In addition to driving a range of commercial benefits, the deal will boost theContinue Reading

وندرفل بيستاشوز تتعاون مع مجموعة الدوري ومقرها الإمارات لتعزيز قدراتها في معالجة الفستق لمنطقة الشرق الأوسط

Dubai, United Arab Emirates  Wonderful Pistachios, the world’s largest grower and processor of California pistachios, has appointed UAE-headquartered Al Douri Group as its official processing partner for Wonderful Pistachios in the Middle East. In addition to driving a range of commercial benefits, the deal will boost the regional availability andContinue Reading