الظاهرة تتوصل إلى علاقة شراكة متعددة الأهداف مع “أجرينا” الدنماركية

Dubai, UAE, December 13, 2023 – Al Dahra, a leading agribusiness in the United Arab Emirates, has announced a landmark partnership with Danish climate agritech company Agreena to transition the largest consolidated arable farm in the European Union to regenerative agriculture. This transformative initiative will see over 55,000 hectares ofContinue Reading

ديك ريكساند تشارك في اجتماع حكومي رفيع المستوى لبحث سبل تحقيق الأمن الغذائي

Localized food production, which was central to a recent high-level government meeting, is achievable in the UAE by turning deserts into arable lands, according to sustainability champion Dake Rechsand Dubai, UUAE’s Growing Focus on Localized Food Production Puts Spotlight on Solutions that Convert Deserts to Arable Landsnited Arab Emirates DakeContinue Reading