EMICOOL Honored with Platinum Award at Global ESG Awards for Notable Water Conservation Initiatives

Dubai, UAE 26th Oct 2023: Emirates District Cooling Company (EMICOOL), a joint venture between Dubai Investments, a leading investment company listed on the Dubai Financial Market (DFM) and Actis, a leading global investor in sustainable infrastructure has been recognized with the prestigious Platinum Award at the Global Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Awards. The accolade celebrates EMICOOL’s outstanding contributions to water conservation and sustainable practices within the community.

Global ESG Awards, recognizes pioneers and celebrates companies at the forefront of fostering sustainable development and awards winners in categories aligned with the 17 UNSDGs.

The key highlight of the award included EMICOOL’s water efficiency project that has made a profound and lasting impact, reiterating the Company’s unwavering commitment to sustainable water management and conservation.

إيميكول تحصد الجائزة البلاتينية ضمن جوائز الحوكمة البيئية والاجتماعية وحوكمة الشركات العالمية لمبادراتها البارزة في الحفاظ على الموارد المائية

Commenting on winning the award, Dr Adib Moubadder, Chief Executive Officer for EMICOOL, said, “EMICOOL’s Water Efficiency Projects has made significant strides in enhancing both the district cooling system and the well-being of the local community. Through the Company’s commitment to environmental sustainability and responsible resource management, EMICOOL has not only improved the efficiency of the District Cooling Pants but also positively impacted the community by reducing carbon footprint. This initiative has resulted in a remarkable improvement in water recycling by harnessing treated sewage effluent (TSE) and implementing innovative water management techniques, aligning perfectly with EMICOOL’s vision for a sustainable and water-efficient future.”

Beyond financial savings, EMICOOL’s water conservation efforts contribute to environmental goals by reducing the demand for potable water and promoting water recycling and reuse, benefitting both EMICOOL and the wider community.

EMICOOL’s dedication to enhancing the cycle of concentration for potable and polished water showcases the Company’s commitment to conserving water resources while maintaining high-quality standards. EMICOOL’s use of advanced, eco-friendly chemicals and efficient filtration systems further exemplifies the Company’s dedication to environmental stewardship.

The award reinforces EMICOOL’s commitment to responsible and sustainable practices, as it  continues to innovate and create a positive impact on the environment and the communities it serves and highlights the Company’s commitment to pioneering initiatives that promote sustainable water management, conserve resources, and enhance the well-being of communities.

About Dubai Investments

Dubai Investments PJSC is a leading investment company listed on the Dubai Financial Market with over 15,553 shareholders, a paid-up capital of AED 4.25 billion and total assets of AED 20 billion. Incorporated in 1995, the company has grown exponentially with investments in several businesses across diverse sectors. Dubai Investments portfolio includes key businesses with over 30 different companies. Since its inception, Dubai Investments has introduced cutting-edge technologies, pioneering business models, unique investment strategies and innovative concepts, driving progress across key sectors and markets including real estate, building materials, construction and contracting, education, healthcare, financial services and other services.

About Emirates District Cooling Company (EMICOOL)

Emirates District Cooling (Emicool) LLC, is a leading district cooling service provider in the UAE. The company was established in 2003 with headquarters at Dubai Investments Park [DIP]. Emicool ensures continuously exceeding customer expectations by providing district cooling services through its competent work force which delivers world-class levels of reliability, efficiency, safety and environmental sustainability. Since its inception, the company has achieved considerable success and currently provides services to Dubai Investment Park (DIP), Dubai Motor City, Dubai Sports City, Midriff Hills, Palazzo Versace & D1 tower, DWTC (Expo 2020), Jumeirah Bay, DAMAC Hills, Al Taif Business Centre and RTA 2020 Route. Emicool is a Joint Venture between Dubai Investments PJSC and an Actis-led consortium, which also includes British Columbia Investment Management Corporation (BCI).

About Actis Actis is a leading global investor in sustainable infrastructure. We deliver competitive returns for institutional investors and measurable positive impact for countries, cities, and communities in which we operate. Our global experience, operational knowhow and strong culture allow us to create global sustainability leaders. We do it at scale. And have been doing so for decades. Since inception, we have raised US $24 billion to invest in a better tomorrow. Actis is a signatory to the United Nations backed Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI), an investor initiative developed by the UNEP FI and the UN Global Compact. The firm has consistently been awarded the highest rating score in the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) independent assessment.