New ways of learning, new ways of connecting

Connecting cultures

Connecting students

Building connections

At the start of the pandemic, British Council Teaching Centres sought new ways to ensure the learning offer appealed to our young students. By September 2022, more than 15,000 students in 3500 classes from 20 countries including Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Qatar, UAE, Jordan, Saudi Arabi, Bahrain, Kuwait linked up to provide an incredible intercultural experience. 

طرق جديدة للتعلم وطرق جديدة للتواصل

Connecting Cultures brings together British Council students from around the world, so they can enjoy a truly international experience without travelling abroad. As from October this year we are planning to involve more than 30,000 students in more than 40 countries. .

Speaking about this experience, Hamish Buchan, Regional Head of Young Learners at the British Council says:” An initiative that promotes an educational and social experience, combining multiculturalism, English and key skills for the future. We have been using our teachers, in our global network of teaching centres, to our advantage by connecting students in different countries through online activities, including video links.”

“Sharing our experiences traditions and thoughts with other students from other countries. also receiving lovely replies from them was so exciting “said Ghassen, one of our young students.

Every lesson is brought to life with engaging activities based on real-world topics, capturing the children’s attention and helping them speak English with confidence, the perfect preparation for their future in a globalized world.

“The interest the students showed and how they related in an amazing way with other students. They couldn’t wait to hear from their connecting cultures partners and made a huge effort to do a wonderful exchange. Simply a wonderful experience for the students. I don’t think they’ll ever forget it.” Says one of our teachers.  

Through this unique offer learners build their confidence and horizons while

It delivers added value to the customer and gives the British Council a unique

“It is a memorable and enjoyable way for our students to improve their English, their knowledge of the world and, above all, their intercultural understanding. Students love it. And parents love it. And so, all teachers do”.

About the British Council

The British Council is the UK’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. We build connections, understanding and trust between people in the UK and other countries through arts and culture, education and the English language. Last year we reached over 80 million people directly and 791 million people overall including online, broadcasts and publications. Founded in 1934 we are a UK charity governed by Royal Charter and a UK public body. We receive a 15 per cent core funding grant from the UK government.