Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- AirZones air quality monitoring is now available in the home
- Hi-tech company aligns with Dubai 2040 Masterplan to monitor indoor air quality
- Air quality standards ensure good health and wellbeing at home
- The United Nations and the World Health Organisation regard air pollution as the greatest environmental threat to humanity
The air we breathe is crucial to our health, wellbeing, concentration and happiness – but did you know poor air quality in the home affects our children’s ability to learn, our fertility and the functioning of every organ in our body?
You might go to the gym regularly and eat healthy foods but have you ever considered the impact of poor air quality? In a place where many of us rely on air conditioning, how often have you actually thought about the condition of your air?
AirZones solves the issue of poor air quality at home, ensuring clean, safe and healthy air for everyone. The company installs unobtrusive high-tech air quality sensors around your property for two weeks, and then analyses the air quality from millions of data points taken over that time.
Its experts then offer impartial advice on how to make any improvements to air quality that might be necessary – such as solutions to particulate matter, replacements for toxic chemicals present in household goods and reducing pollutants from combustion.
Air quality is an elephant in the room – especially in the Middle East, where indoor air is typically 3-5 times more polluted than outdoors. In fact, the United Nations (UN) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) regard air pollution as the greatest environmental threat to humanity, citing it as being responsible for more than 7 million global deaths a year.
AirZones wants to sort out indoor air quality in the region, with a simple, cost-effective solution, now available to all.
Spokesman and Company Co-founder, Chris Leighton says, “Think of AirZones as the Trustpilot of indoor air quality. If you could ensure your home has good, clean, healthy air, compared to somewhere with ‘dirtier’ or more polluted air, where would you choose to live?“
“We need AC to live comfortably in this region – but why risk suffering with health issues because of poor air quality? From helping children’s learning to a better night’s sleep, improving air quality has a dramatic effect on our lives. The pandemic saw us all spend so much more time at home, and many of us invested in new fixtures, fittings and technology – but it seems most of us simply don’t consider air quality. We are changing that mindset with our simple, impartial service.”
Before AirZones, it was hard to understand how to monitor air quality, and the complexity and cost of such activity put many householders investigating. Polluted indoor air is the number one factor in home air safety and cleanliness. An AirZones assessment ensures you’re living with safe, clean and healthy air.
Why is air quality important?
Think for a minute about how careful you are about what you drink. You would never drink ‘dirty’ water, right? Yet, the air we breathe, some 11,000 litres a day (that’s roughly 10,997 litres more than the volume of water we drink each day), is circulated through every major organ in our body within seconds of passing our lips – and we mostly ignore it!
Invisible pollutants in the air are responsible for far more than lung disease, with the latest research showing head-to-toe harm, including heart disease, diabetes, dementia, liver problems, bladder cancer and brittle bones.
Fertility, the development of foetuses, miscarriages as well as children’s brain development have all been shown to be affected by common airborne pollutants – pollutants found every day in homes, restaurants, hotels, offices – in fact, everywhere we live, work and play in our built environment.
Research by the University of Chicago showed polluted air is a greater killer than smoking or even car crashes, in fact, more than war, terrorism, malaria, road related injuries, unsafe water and sanitation as well as alcohol and narcotics, combined!
Chris and his business partner Thomas Day are both energetic entrepreneurs with a career history in hi-tech innovation and manufacturing sectors. The idea for AirZones was born after the British businessmen felt frustrated by how slowly industry was adopting all the new technology and solutions that are coming to market that make a real difference to air quality.
AirZones technology motivates everyone to easily adopt better air quality. As Chris adds, “We simply want a world where everyone can start breathing cleaner, healthier air.”
How does it work?
AirZones monitors air quality for a couple of weeks, using unobtrusive sensors and monitors. Around two million data points are gathered, analysed and assessed, using a combination of environmental science, mechanical engineering and chemistry.
Where low air quality is discovered, there are two options. Firstly, pollutants being emitted into the air can be reduced, by using AirZones’ impartial advice and recommendations on how to identify sources of pollutants and remove or reduce them. Secondly, removal of pollutants from the air – by adopting air purification equipment or in many cases simple practices.
AirZones is resolutely vendor-agnostic and does not sell any equipment. It only offers monitoring and assessment services and advice.
You may well have already seen AirZones’ unique Indoor Air Quality Star Rating – described as the ‘Trustpilot of Air Quality’ across venues in Dubai. The rating system is based on guidance from Dubai Government, the United Nations, the World Health Organisation and, in certain cases, references other well documented standards, such as the US Environmental Protection Agency or the European Union.
Forward looking companies including Cafe Bateel, Raw Coffee, Radisson RED, schools and private organisations have already received an AirZones rating. But now the growing company wants to offer its assessment services to private homes, helping make Dubai a place with the cleanest indoor air on the planet.
Find out more and book your home air quality assessment via the website,